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February 06, 2010

21 Twitter Vocabulary, You Must Know This

Twitter Vocabulary ? Ever hear that? Yes, if you have Twitter, but you don’t understand with something word, like Hashtag, Retweet, or something like that, you will find in this post. I have more Twitter Vocabulary, you can learn and find out now.


As with many icons of pop culture, Twitter users have developed a very specific language to refer to common activities on Twitter. While the list is vast, and often humorous, I have tried to include the most important terms below in alphabetical order. Please take the time to acclimate yourself with some of the more popular terminology (or twerminology):

1. avatar: the official name for the photo that represents your account on Twitter

2. Follow: to subscribe to a particular user’s posts

3. DM or direct message: to send a private message to another twitter user

4. politweet: a politically charged tweet

5. #Hashtag: Hashtags are phrases or keywords that can be used to monitor who is saying what about a particular topic. Hashtags will always be proceeded by a “#” symbol and will usually consist of one word (#Event) or multiple words without any spaces (#PoliticalEvent09). hashtag is #fandywatson.

6. RT or Retweet: commonly used to describe the act of re-posting another user’s message.

7. twaffic: to refer to Twitter traffic.

8. twaiting: used when referring to someone who is using Twitter while waiting.

9. tweeple: commonly used to describe Twitter users and members.

10. tweeps: another term to describe Twitter users. Also used to describe users who follow you across social networks.

11. tweetaholic: used to describe those of us addicted to Twitter, and there are quite a few of us.

12. tweeter: a simple term used to describe someone who “tweets.”

13. tweet(ing): the act of posting to Twitter.

14. tweets: the term used to define the individual posts on Twitter.

15. tweetup: used to describe the event of twitter users meeting in person.

16. twittastic: a Twitter-related item that is fantastic, wonderful, or superb.

17. Twitter handle: The official term for your Twitter username.

18. Twittivist: a Twitter user who uses his/her profile to advocate a cause.

19. Twitosphere: the vast community that has sprung up around Twitter.

20. unfollow: the act of unsubscribing from a particular users’ twitter posts.

21. URL Shortener : Because Twitter only allows your posts to be 140 characters in length, every single character counts. URL Shorteners allow you to post weblinks more efficiently, with some even offering tracking capability.

Almost any word can become common twerminology. In most cases, you simply take the first two letters of Twitter and combine it with your chosen word.
For further education in Twitter vocabulary, check out these great web resources:

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