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June 30, 2010

Add Amazing Picture Frame Using Fireworks

Add Amazing Picture Frame Using Fireworks

You want to add frame to your pictures? You have Adobe Fireworks? You can Add Pictures Frame using Adobe Fireworks. I try to add frame to my pictures, but i find something special with Fireworks, we can adding frame to our pictures, with any size, any file type and we can settings the size of frame. So, let’s see now.

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1. Open your Fireworks and click File > Open and browse your images.

Browse Images

Pictures 1

2. Select the images, and click Commands menu > Creative > and choose Add Picture Frame.

Commands panel

3. Select one of pattern, and set the frame size.

Add Picture Frame

4. And should like this, with 3 Pattern.

Impressionist Blue Pattern

Impressionist Blue

Glass Textured

Glass Textured

Dark Flower

Dark Flower

It’s so easy right…

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