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June 15, 2010

Easy To Add Depth of Field to Your Photo with Paint Shop Photo

Easy To Add Depth of Field to Your Photo with Paint Shop Photo

One mark of a professionally created photo is depth of field - a blending of in-focus and out-of-focus areas that is usually produced with fancy lenses and special camera settings. In the past, creating depth of field in your digital photos required a long, tricky process. Now, however, Corel® Paint Shop Pro® Photo lets you create this professional look in only a few minutes. Now, follow this tutorial to make it.

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Easy To Add Depth of Field to Your Photo with Paint Shop Photo from Ahmad Affandy on Vimeo.

1. Open your Images.


2. On the Learning Center tab, click Adjust > Advanced Adjustments > Depth of Field.

Learning Center tab


Advanced Adjustment

Depth of Field

3. At the top of the dialog box, you'll see the original photo (Before) and the photo with the depth of field applied (After).

Before and After

4. In the Area of Focus, click Circular Selection Tool button.

Area of Focus

5. In the Before pane, click between the images eyes, right above her nose. Drag to create a circle that just touches the inside of her ears and is right below her mouth.

Small Circle

Large Circle

6. Now, see the Blur slider, set to 50 (less or more). The higher you set the control, the blurrier your background will be.

Blur settings

7. In the Adjust Area of Focus, choose this following settings:

Feather Edge: 15

Focus Range: 0

Note: The Feather Edge control makes the transition between the edge of the selected area and the nonselected area gradual and smooth. The Focus Range control increases or decreases the size of your selection.

Adjust area of focus

8. Now, see the Result.

The Result

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