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June 28, 2010

Fix Your Photo with Smart Photo Fix

Fix Your Photo with Smart Photo Fix

Smart Photo Fix is the best way to correct color, exposure, and lighting problems in your photos. By completing this tutorial, you'll see how Smart Photo Fix analyzes your photo and suggests corrections with just a single click. Before you apply the corrections, you can fine-tune them to create just the look you want.

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1. Open your PaintShop Photo.

2. On the Learning Center tab, click Adjust > Smart Photo Fix.

Learning Center tab


Smart Photo Fix

Or you can click on the Adjust menu.

Adjust menu

3. When opened, you can see the images is automatic fix your photos, you don’t need to change anything, but if you need more settings, you can do that by Smart Photo Fix settings. If you don’t know how to setting it, you can click Suggest Settings button.

Smart Photo Fix Settings

4. At the top of the dialog, you'll see the original photo (Before) and the photo with the suggested command settings applied (After). Smart Photo Fix instantly analyzes your photo and applies a set of suggested adjustments. If you like the settings that Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo suggests, just click OK, and you're done.

Before and After

5. Now, you will see it.


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